I'm on the 30-day writing program!!
Bound to do a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.
So far I'm at 11,860 words
Here's the synopsis and an Excerpt. You can say you knew me "back when."
Synopsis: Run for the Hills
A precocious eleven year old from the hills attempts to solve a murder mystery and uncovers much more than she intended!Excerpt: Run for the Hills
Paw and James came in to the aroma of tomato soup and grilled cheese. Momma had Lucy beside her in the wooden highchair with a rabbit decal on the back. The chair had belonged first to James and then to me. Worse for the wear, it was Lucy’s now. At first I thought Paw wasn’t going to wait for the blessing today. However, he nodded at Momma, and she asked for God’s blessing on this food and this family. Then she prayed the Lord’s prayer. Her intensity increased at “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”So much for not talking about anything with Momma. She already knew too much, maybe more than I knew.
I’d taken only a couple of bites when we heard the sound of a car. That meant only one thing: the Sheriff had arrived.

I hope it is going well for you! long time no "talk" but always thinking great thoughts for you.
It's been awhile!!! I think FB has lessened my need to blog...of course good health and a busy life contributes to the lack of blogs too! That's a good thing!
I like the "Diet for your husband" article!!!
It's been awhile!!! I think FB has lessened my need to blog...of course good health and a busy life contributes to the lack of blogs too! That's a good thing!
I like the "Diet for your husband" article!!!
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