Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass- it is about learning to dance in the rain.

Friday, September 07, 2012

My Momma didn't raise no dummy?

Nope. My Momma didn't raise no dummy? (Double negative for emphasis!!) I had to explain!! We're looking a new phones. Hubs has finally decided he shall leave the dark ages and go with a smart phone. Amazing. So... prior to checking with the mobile carrier that we have had for umpteen years, I checked out the price at other places. So when the young lady made an offer for a price for us, I countered with, "I guess I'll just go to X-vendor and get it for $79 less (per phone!!). "Well we wouldn't want you to do that now, would we." She says brightly. "Let me get you a senior representative on the phone. Perhaps they know of some plan that I don't have access to." So here I sit with my mobile on speaker phone, waiting for this mysterious senior representative to appear. Actually, my son taught me this trick. He's quite smart, that self-proclaimed "techy-nerd" of mine! I take his advice often. That would mean his Momma didn't raise no dummy, either!! That acorn doesn't fall far from the tree!! Ta-Ta. Oh. Glory! He's also giving me one month free service! Hee Hee. Can't wait to get my hands on that new phone with a 1.5GHZ dual core a phone! Who would have thought it! Certainly not Tom Watson. once IBM chairman, who said in 1958: 'I think there is a world market for about five computers.'

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