Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass- it is about learning to dance in the rain.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


From time to time a good topic for my blog occurs to me, but I'm always in the middle of something else -- like setting up a classroom, creating lesson plans, filling out classroom records or grading papers. My desk at school still looks like a black hole -- if I put anything else there it will probably vanish in the implosion!

I have, however, taught four (4) days of classes, or five if you count that first day when I taught a twenty-minute "procedure" class about 15 times to varying groups of middle school students.

My feet hurt, my head feels muddled, my fingers are still numb, but there's also a distinct elation because I really can do this again. I can tell that I will have to keep it simple and direct, the less fuss the better, but I can do it.

I guess that's progress, in spite of my aching feet!!



Francisco Javier said...


No entiendo muy bien el inglés, pero creo haber leído que tiene un cáncer. Rezaré por usted. Que Dios la bendiga.

Saludos desde Madrid



I don´t understand very well English, but I think that I read you have a cancer. I will pray for you. (I´m sorry because of my English I don´t speak very well).Sincerely,

Javier, from Madrid, Spain.

PJ said...

Gracias, Javier. No escribo muy bien, el espanol, pero entiendo bien sus deseaos de salud para mi. Dios ha sido me conforteleza este ultimo ano. Sin El y las oraciones de mis amigos, no se como hubiera sido posible andar este senda.

Agredesco sus oraciones!

Conoces la cantante "Zulmaely"? En su disco "Sin Limite" hay una cancion que se llama "Como la nina de tus ojos" Me ha dado mucho paz escuchandole y pensando en cuanto dios me ama.

Otra vez. Gracias!

Anonymous said...

Yo conozco a Zulmaely tambien
tiene un nuevo cd se llama mas alla y tiene una cancion "Vives tu"
es de mucha bendicion.

PJ said...

Si! Me gusta mucho esa CD. Sus canciones tienen la uncion de Dios!

Anonymous said...

Pueden chequear los videos de zulmaely con mucha uncion en youtube

solo pongan zulmaely en serch.

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