Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass- it is about learning to dance in the rain.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Daddy and M1 just waitin' around for the surgeon

Mommy and M1 share a moment

Just lying around waiting for the surgeon to be ready! She couldn't stand just lying there and got up to walk around. Finally when it was time for surgery, she walked into to the OR. The clinic was sooo kid friendly, they let her sit up and breathe the oxygen until she was ready to lie down.

That's me with M1. She was eating a graham cracker and insisted somebody hold it so it wouldn't show in the picture. All much better now! We were in a really nice pediatrics room for recovery. The grandparents and parents were with her. She's perked up here and happy to be eating crackers and drinking Sprite.

She woke up talkative, and according to her, "Bored and hungry."
So we played "I spy" at her request.

M1, out of surgery into recovery. She so little and vulnerable, still out after surgery.

Two grandmas and a mommy with M1. She's waking, but not fully awake yet.

What's the story?? 8:30 a.m. M1 fell off the monkey bars (Jungle gym) at school. She was swinging between bars and "jumped" for the third bar. She made it the first time, but did a turn around and missed it the second time. She said, "My gymnastics teacher said not to try to catch ourselves with our arms, and I tried not to!" She really didn't reach out with her hands though. She did a good job, just got her elbow under her body as she landed. So the elbow was broken. We were hoping for a simple break, but it separated. The Dr. didn't do an incision, but inserted two wired to pin it together. She gets a full cast then on Monday. For now, she has a plastic casing holding the arm in a 90 degree angle, with bandages for the surgical insertion.

Surgery was scheduled for 2:30 at the Ambulatory Surgical Clinic. The doctor was delayed on his previous patient and Tea's surgery was about 3:00. She was out of surgery by 4:00 and with us in the recovery room.

The place was fantastic. They let all of us wait in the pediatrics recovery area (she was the only peds that day) to wait for her. They brought us pop and coffee and offered coffee cake, cookies or crackers. They had said Grandparents might have to leave when she came out of surgery, but in the end we stayed for awhile with her too.

She's home tonight. Resting. Thank God it was only an elbow and not spine or neck!! But I am really tired.

A couple of wonderful teacher friends took my 8th and 9th period classes today so I could get there in time to see her before surgery. I am also thankful for that!

Tired, but thankful.



Sarah said...

Oh no! How scary for you all. I am glad she came out of surgery ok. I am surprised at her smile before surgery! Brave girl!

PJ said...

I was definitely startled. She had been hysterical and crying earlier -- even has Petechiae (little red dots from broken blood vessels) on her face from her early crying. But later in the morning, she managed to console herself (with the help of mommy and daddy, of course) and was in fairly good spirits.

Today she was certainly not her usual chirpy self, but she was calm and quiet, though lethargic.


CreoleInDC said...

I'm so glad your baby is home safe and sound. Her smile is oh so beautiful and your family is sooooo "familyish." I LOVE that!

Smooches Princess!

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