Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass- it is about learning to dance in the rain.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Life Goes On

I'm at school today, but off for a meeting tomorrow. At first I was scheduled for an additional seminar on Thursday and Friday. Thank God that one was full and they are re-scheduling our school for another date. Three consecutive seminar days are about two too many for me!! I did get progress reports in on time and am making progress with the tests from yesterday and today!

M continues to heal. She has the cast on now, but will need intensive physical therapy after the cast comes off in order to restore full mobility to the joint. The break is very close to the joint and could interfere with movement. We'll continue to pray for the little one. Thanks for your prayers. (I'm on my lunch hour at school -- not pictures here!) Pics later.



Sarah said...

Continued prayers for Mattea!

PJ said...

Thanks for your prayers!


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